Monday, May 17, 2010

#3 -- fractured enamel leading to open margin, asymptomatic

Tooth after removal of MO amalgam

I admittedly did not crown this tooth, partly due to patient finances, instead restoring it with composite. Should I have crowned it? An MO inlay?

#15 -- reversible pulpitis, fractured amalgam filling

I ended up crowning #15. Would you have done the same?

#3 -- deep caries, indirect pulp cap placed, patient has a history of clenching and grinding

I placed an indirect pulp cap and then restored with composite, charging it out as a build-up and telling patient, due to his history of severe clenching and grinding, that he will likely need a crown (and if it becomes symptomatic, RCT). Is a crown mandatory here or just recommended? What if patient did not have a history of grinding?

#29 -- failing margins of old amalgam

Is a full coverage crown the only way to go to restore this tooth? Obviously #28 is in worse shape, but what would you do for #29?

#3 -- sensitivity to cold, lingual crack and caries

Would you crown this tooth or simply placed composite on the lingual areas of decay (not adjacent to amalgam)?

#30 - fractured MOD amalgam, tooth asymptomatic, did not need RCT

I ended up crowning this tooth, but wondered as I was tearing up all that nice enamel if another type of restoration like an inlay or MOD would have sufficed. What would you have done?

#19 -- failing large MO amalgam

How would you restore this tooth?

#12 - fractured MO amalgam

How would you restore this fractured amalgam?

#3 -- asymptomatic, lingual crack

Does this buccal crack warrant a full coverage crown? Another dentist recommended it be crowned; I tend to disagree.

#30 -- asymptomatic, buccal crack.

Would you crown this asymptomatic tooth due to the buccal crack?

#3 -- missing ML cusp and large amalgam; #5 failing and fractured DO amalgam

Obviously #4 and #31 are the eye catchers, but . . .

How would you restore #5? Full coverage crown? Inlay? Would you say composite or amalgam is even an option?

Is #3 better off with an onlay or full coverage crown?

#29 -- missing part of large amalgam

Rather obvious but is an inlay possible here?

#30 -- asymptomatic, buccal crack.

Is this asymptomatic crack threatening enough to warrant a full coverage crown?